There are questions that have troubled me over the years and I need someone with a sane head who can talk rationally and explain them to me. One of such things is why people change their religion. How do they rate one religion over another, so much so that they convert to it. I am not talking about the villages where allegedly Christian Missionaries spread the name of God and force people to convert to a so called better faith. They do it by giving some incentive...let's not get there, it's a different territory altogether...
I am talking about people who WANT to convert to some other religion. The list includes celebrities like Madonnas, Michael Jacksons, Muhammad Alis, and many others. I assume these people are mature enough to decide what to follow and what not to follow. It's completely a personal opinion and I have absolutely no right to intrude into someone's private life. But I fail to understand the REASON behind it. WHY do they have to do it??? Aren't the teachings of all religions essentially the same. Don't we all know what we need to do and have our conscience to guide us for that. There are people who say that this religion is bad because it dehumanizes women, while this is better because it gives them complete freedom. Bull Crap. Being educated individuals, we absolutely know our positions in society. And how does it matter if we are born in a Hindu family, or a Christian family or a Muslim one. By changing the religion, can we change the people around us, their mentality and their perceptions. I really doubt so. Good people can be found everywhere, so can be said about the bad people. How these converts are able to connect to the Almighty in a better manner by doing so is beyond a mortal like me. And as far as personal freedom goes, it's more about the culture and society in which one is born rather than the religion that one follows. I am a Hindu and proud to be so..but does that make me better or worse than a Christian or a Muslim?? The question answers itself. How can a religion change a's only a road, which one has to follow, and all roads lead to Rome..don't they :)