Monday, 23 January 2017

वक़्त बहुत कुछ सिखा देता है धीरे धीरे अपने आप. वो सब भी जो आप कभी सीखना नहीं चाहते थे. आपको वो भी महसूस करा देता है जो आपको लगता था कि आप कभी महसूस नहीं करेंगे. वो आइना भी दिखाता है जो आप कभी देखना नहीं चाहते थे.
कुछ हुआ नहीं , फेसबुक पर कुछ पुराने लोग दिख गए और थोड़ी यादें ताज़ा हो गयी.
ऐसे ही लिख दिया कि कुछ लिखने का मन कर रहा था.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

एक पुरानी दोस्त से whatsapp पर बकर काट रहा था। पता नहीं क्या सूझा कि हिंदी में लिखना शुरू कर दिया. तपाक से बोली, ये क्या नौटंकी कर रहा है। हिंदी में मत लिख, समझने में दिक्कत होती है।

एक समय था जब मुझे इंग्लिश समझ नहीं आती थी। इंग्लिश की फिल्म देखने में एड़ी चोटी का ज़ोर लग जाता था, अख़बार पढ़ना तो बहुत दूर की बात थी।

आज परेशानी उलटी है। हिंदी फिल्म देखे हुए अरसा बीत जाता है, हिंदी का अख़बार घटिया लगता है, और अब दोस्तों से  इंग्लिश में ही बात होती है। ATM पर भी कभी हिंदी भाषा नहीं चुनता हूँ पैसे निकलते वक़्त।
कई बार शर्मिंदगी सी होती  कि अपनी जड़ों से अलग सा हो गया हूँ।

कल मृदुल के एक दोस्त निखिल से मिला जो हिंदी में उपन्यास लिखता है। उसने कुछ अच्छी किताबें बताई हैं पढ़ने के लिए।

ऐसे दौरे हर साल के शुरू में पड़ते है। कि इस साल शायद उर्दू पढ़ना सीख जाऊँगा, 50 किताबें पढ़ लूँगा , खाना बनाना सीख लूँगा और कुछ ऐसे ही खयाली पुलाव। देखते हैं..

P.S. : पथिक दिल्ली-6 के गाने चला रहा है। ये गाना काफी पसंद था...

Saturday, 7 January 2017

On Investing - Part 2

The more I read about investing, the more I realize what all I have missed in the past 7-8 years. Apart from building wealth, by investing, especially in the stock market, one learn about oneself a lot.

Psychology and Philosophy have as much, if not more role to play in this discipline as knowledge of finance and statistics. It requires patience, and being calm under pressure especially when the market is going down and you see your wealth getting reduced because of market madness. My senior in the company, who actually pushed me in this direction, tells me that it's all about having stomach, to be able to stick to your beliefs when everyone else is telling you otherwise.

Also, the more I watch the Youtube lectures of famous investors, or read their essays and letters, the more I realize that none of them ever offer any stock advice but stick to talking about the principles which made them achieve superior returns.

It's an interesting and challenging field. And it's difficult. Which is why it's so much fun!!

Thursday, 5 January 2017

On Investing

One of the very few things that I realized in 2016 was the importance of investing money for the future. I had not given it a thought until late because I hardly ever had money in my account. Around December'15, I paid off my loan. For the first time I had some disposable cash about which I didn't know what to do. Around the same time, my boss recommended me to read "The Intelligent Investor". It's one of the best books written on investment by Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing. As my interest grew, I read some more.
In this short duration, I have hardly learned anything; but these books have given me a direction. More than anything else, it kindled my interest in Finance, something I had long given up on.
Here's a list of the books, videos, and blogs I would recommend to anybody who wants to invest in stock market. One thing that is to be kept in mind is that there's no shortcut and investing is a very difficult art to learn. Like any other art, it takes years, even decades to become a good investor. I hope that in time, I will be able to do well for myself.

  1. The Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham 
  2. Security Analysis by Ben Graham, David Todd
  3. The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks
  4. Essays of Warren Buffett by Lawrence Cunningham
  5. Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman
  6. One Up on The Wall Street by Peter Lynch
  7. A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
  8. Poor Charlie's Almanack by Charles Munger
  1. Warren Buffett's Letters to Shareholders - Berkshire Hathaway
  2. Howard Marks Memos - Oaktree Capital
  1. Safal Niveshak
  2. Ashwath Damodaran on Valuation
  1. Google Talk Videos

On Friendship - Part 2

"We check our leave balances when we need vacations, we need to save them for our marriage, or kids or for any kind of emergency. We are such fools. But its life, thats the price we have  to pay. We cant really go on living each day fearing we might not get up tomorrow. But there are things we can do. Like not switching off phone on our birthdays :)

You are a very special friend and annoying and sometimes very irritating and illogical. But you are among those very few with who I can share my most personal and complicated problems. Thankyou for being there :) "

-- A response to the mail that I had written on 1st Jan.

Monday, 2 January 2017

On Friendship

I think I make a good friend. At least I’ve tried to be one. Not that I haven’t failed in this regard, but usually I try to put my best foot forward.

On the 1st Jan this year, I tried an experiment. I mailed all the people whom I considered were good friends at any point in my 31 years of life. People who were important to me, with whom I shared some very happy memories. 

I wanted to apologize for any wrong I had done as well as thank for whatever good time I had spent with them. It was an emotional mail, something people don’t usually say. Sometimes it makes you uncomfortable. I was too.

Most people replied. Some said they were happy to hear from me that they meant so much to me. Some replied just with a thanks and what was going on in their lives. Some friends just asked me if I was ok that I was writing such emotional mails.

The best came from the closest friends, with whom I have maintained contact for more than 10 years or so. They abused me for sending such stupid mails and for having lost my mind. Only a close friend can abuse you so openly and be fine with it. 

And there were some more people, who I presume, just ignored the letter. Even while writing the mail I had an inkling about who all will not reply. They read the mail but decided not revert. Some of them have grown out of the friendship, some just don’t want to be friends any more, some don’t care, and others, well, I guess they are just plain angry.

I think it was a good idea to write this mail even if it was slightly embarrassing to open the heart out. More than anything, it told me where I don’t have to concentrate my energies any more. Not because I don’t want to, but because some people don’t want me back. And even though it’s a bit disturbing and saddening, it’s fine.